Respect – Something Which Is To Be Earned

Hello Guys…
It’s been a really long since I last posted something. I was so lost in my life that I totally forgot how much Writing means to me. Anyways, so I thought I’d make a new start. So here, I came up with a new topic today – Respect. Well, like always, these are just my views and I’m not going to make big statements in this blog. I hope you’d like this. So, let’s start.


You see, there’s a lot to this word Respect. Some would say it’s the way we behave towards our elders, some would say it’s the reaction we give to something which fascinates and inspires us or maybe it’s just the love you show towards yourself.

Well as long as I know, Respect is the best way to show how grateful you are, for everything. It’s not just something you show to your parents or teachers or elders, but it’s much more than that. Respect is shown to everything and everyone who tells you how good of a person you are and how lucky you’re to have those things or those people around you, because you’re well aware about their importance. And these people make your life beautiful.

Every emotion, every feeling in this human life has an important lesson to give. Your smile makes this world a beautiful place, your kindness brings out the good in you, your anger destroys the good things, but it still does teach you a lesson. Even the worst of dreams, they have fear, loneliness and I don’t know what not, but still these emotions make the life worth living. Everybody goes through these emotions, sometimes life’s good, sometimes it’s just nasty as hell, sometimes it’s overwhelming, but you gotta respect yourself and keep moving forward for life’s all about learning and experiencing the newest of emotions.

While you live, you need to work on your self respect and self esteem. These are the only things that make you do the right thing. Self respect is trusting yourself enough to believe you deserve the best of this world in all the situations. Whereas self esteem is knowing your worth which I think is the only purpose of human life. Without knowing your worth, you’d never be able to respect yourself and if you can’t respect yourself, you can’t love yourself. Self love is the only thing that’d bring you out of the darkness, that’d make you the person you are. If you don’t love yourself, how are you ever going to love somebody else? The journey to understand your worth starts by loving yourself, respecting yourself and making the right choices.

I’ve often seen people demanding to be respected. Is Respect really something to be demanded….? I don’t think so. Respect is something that you gotta earn. You need to earn it through your behavior, through your manner of speaking and everything you do to make others feel wanted and valued. People love you when you start telling them that you’re grateful to have them, that they matter to you. Each and every human being on the earth wants to be loved, valued. All everyone needs is a feeling of importance. We all need to be more empathetic towards others. Compassion is also important but you gotta use strong words to tell them that you’re there for them. A child needs his parents, because they’re the only people he/she feels safe with. Everyone needs someone that they’d share their secrets with, it maybe their laughs, hurts or other problems. And when you show empathy towards people who really need you to sit beside them and have a good talk, that’s when they start seeing as a sensible person, as a responsible person, a person that they are proud and lucky to have and that’s when there builds respect. You can’t just hurt other people and expect them to respect you. Because that’s never going to happen. You need to be kind towards everyone and everything and that’s how you earn respect.

Kindness is everything!

So that’s all for this blog.

Love and peace to you all…!!!
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